Welcome To Homeless Cat Helpers, Inc.
Our Featured Pet of the Month is:

Oswaldo is sweet, affectionate, cuddly - - -everything you could want for your purrfect companion! He is about 6 months... View full description »
Young, Male, Medium

Oswaldo is sweet, affectionate, cuddly - - -everything you could want for your purrfect companion! He is about 6 months... View full description »
Young, Male, Medium
What We Do
Delaware is #1 in No-Kill!
Graphic from https://bestfriends.org/no-kill-2025/animal-shelter-statistics – click for fully interactive version.
Delaware was the FIRST No-Kill! state in the country, but we’re not done!
Visit the Delaware-specific page on Best Friends website to find out more.
Visit the Delaware-specific page on Best Friends website to find out more.
And, remember – Adopt, don’t Shop!